Thursday, June 13, 2013

Vacation Report- BIP photos included!

 We had a wonderful trip to Kansas! It was a really long drive, though. Especially with three small kids! We are all bad-asses, though, so we made it just fine. 

 A little BIP before heading out.

Janet looks a little concerned. Probably because Mommy is sitting in the back for a change.

Lander wasn't worried. He was ready to go!

One of the rest stops felt it was necessary to cage the Coke machine. You know, so it wouldn't wander off.

At last! All the kids knocked out!

Another BIP break on Interstate 70.

Lander played in the water and got his pants wet.

He didn't mind running around in just a diaper.

Clairessa was ready for a snack.

My Aunt Lori holding Janet.

Sleepy head!

I don't know if it's technically BIP, but we were at somebody else's house.
At some point I managed to find a pet store and pet a bunny. Yay!

Lander vs Goose.

Lander loved to watch the baby geese at the park!

We took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. Lander wanted to dance next to Chucky.

Grandma helped Lander play a few games.

Janet had a snack.

 And another!

And another!
My Aunt has a chalkboard wall in her kitchen, which the kids LOVED.

Ready to head home!

Janet gets through the trip the best way she knows how.

The other kids eventually followed suit.

One more BIP stop on the way home!

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